Sports Fishing in Niigata City and Japan

Spanish Mackerel in Niigata East Port ( Mar.18th 2001 )

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The North Breakwater of Niigata East Port were snowy.
My friend Daiku fished a big octopus. It weighed about 16 pounds. Octopus fishing is popular in Niigata in this season.
The North Breakwater were rainy.
There were few anglers, as it was rainy day.
I got two spanish mackerels.
Two spanish mackerels and I.
Spanish Mackerel ate small fish.
A large octopus was fished.

On Mar.11th 2001, I got no fish.

Last Sunday was snowy ( Mar.11th 2001 ). I went to the north breakwater of Niigata East Port to fish Spanish Mackerels ( pic.1 ). But I could get no fish. My friend Daiku fished a big octopus. It weighed about 16 pounds ( pic.2 ). Octopus fishing is popular in Niigata in this season. Baits are crabs. Hard rods, big reels and wire lines are used.

On Mar.18th 2001, I fished two Spanish mackerels.

Today was rainy( Mar.18th 2001 ). I woke up early in this morning, and went to there again. Snow was gone on the breakwater but anglers were few. You will see the west breakwater over there ( pic.3,4 ).

The west wind blew. And I casted metal jigs in an adverse wind from 6:00 to 9:00 a.m. I got two spanish mackerels. The length of them were about nineteen inches. They were not so large.( pic.5.6 ).

In April we will fish more and bigger ones. We will catch about ten fishes and they will be over 25 inches in length.

Spanish mackerel vomited a small bait fish. I show it with a metal jig and forceps ( pic.7 ). Spanish mackerels eat like this fish.

Today a large octopus was fished ( pic.8 ). It weighed twenty pounds. Do you know Japanese like octopus dishes?

Fishing reports in 2001